Just a short update to say we arrived in Texas tonight. It is hot as we expected it to be. I really hope Napoleon is feeling well and that he gets some rest tonight. We check in tomorrow at the Will Rogers so we will be out early to pick him up from his horse hotel and check him in there and let him settle. Of course he has eaten well the whole trip and drank okay. I want him to drink more but he is urinating fine and looks fine. Not gant or anything. I just don't want him to be sore anywhere as he really leans on the trailer divider as we go down the road.
We had a busy weekend. I showed him in the rancher class at a local cowhorse show and he did really good. He was like a seasoned show horse! Went down the fence like an experienced pro!! He knew what to do with the cow and was easy to direct. A friend of ours, Anne Branger, took some fabulous pictures of him and I will show some here and am printing off the rest for his stall at the Coliseum.
My brother and his horse and family are here with Napoleon and I and my daughter Zayle too. We transported Dave Weeding's horse too. It is always such a long trip! About 12 hours of travel each day with traffic and water, fuel, and potty stops!
Hope to report a happy healthy horse tomorrow!!