Napoleon has had a good week. Zane thinks the horse is quite funny. Napoleon is very low energy and very quiet. He is in to strict energy conservation. When he is in the field, he never runs or trots, he slowly walks from place to place. He has a pasture mate and he stays completely out of their way and doesn't socialize. When he is tied up in the barn he cocks a foot and closes his eyes, and doesn't hardly move a muscle. He is very patient...so far! Zane said the other day, "Man,I'm not sure that horse even blinks!" He is absolutely no trouble.You should see him slowly creep into the wash stall. He knows he has to go and many of the horses are not fond of the design, but he resolutely gets in and lets me tie him and stands stock still for his bath and rinse. So cute! Last weekend we accompanied Zane to Bozeman for a clinic. Napoleon turned back in the cutting pen and got to work a few cows down the fence in the indoor arena. He was stellar and I was very pleased with his attitude and work. They had kind of a junk pile behind the cattle pen and I steered him through the irrigation pipe and walked through a tire. He just went wherever I pointed him. It was a very good workout for Napoleon. He even let Zane load him in the trailer. (And he's on crutches, so not an easy sight for a horse.) Monday was not such a great workout though. Napoleon may have been tired and sore or maybe just grumpy. The first time since the first few weeks of riding where he was resistant. I had to keep working to end on a good note, but was finally able to after he completed a relaxed stop. The next few days I backed off on what I had been asking him to do and on Wednesday he was really good again. I will try to post a video that Zayle took. It's not the best cow turns as he usually preforms better but you know how it is when the cameras come out. Sometimes the little extra pressure gets to the performer! We just need to continue to improve a little each day and work on Napoleon's natural assets so we are ready for Texas.
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