Sunday, July 11, 2010

Still Here :)

Yes, we're still here. Haven't written in a while. Napoleon is doing well as usual. He looks beautiful. He has such a short, fine haircoat and he is chubby in a cute way. He is working all his events well and is very smart on a cow. He is good to me, which I appreciate. Especially since Zane and I have had a few weeks of mishaps. Just over a week ago, Zane had his foot and ankle smashed. Not broken, but really bruised, sore and swollen. He can't walk on it yet, but is riding anyway. A horse fell with him going down the fence. I'm supposed to be picking up the slack and then on Monday, his 3 year old NCHA Futurity horse bucked me off on the road. I couldn't hardly move for 2 days and I'm pretty sure my collar bone is cracked because my right arm hurts constantly and I can't raise my arm above my head. Nothing like a horse wreck to make you feel your age. I am so bruised up and tender on my right side. I had to give Napoleon the day off on Monday due to my aches and pains. I got on and rode him the rest of the week though. Mostly one handed since I can't pull with my right arm hardly at all. He let me get on with a bucket and he stands stock still which is great too. We just continued to work the preliminary events and have started on our tentative finals routine. I might have to change it a little due to my physical limitations at the moment. Just starting to plan all my travel arrangements too. Here's hoping for a better week ahead!

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