Saturday, May 15, 2010

Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover 2010

For those who watched us in 2007 with Algore & Chopper, "I" (Holly) am back for the 2010 Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover. Zane is busy with his performance horses and busy fall show schedule and will not be competing this time around. This year is quite a different format than 2007. The horses are all 6 year olds and include mares & geldings from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah & Nevada herds. All the approved participants were able to bid on a horse of their choice. We picked our horses up May 8th from various holding facilities across the country. I have had my horse now a week! I haven't named him yet. He is doing well although was skinnier than I expected when I picked him up. Hopefully, he will flourish on all you can eat high protein hay. Of course, he is not eating grain yet, but I am keeping it in front of him and feeding it to his pen mate, hoping he gets the idea. He is progessing well, not as easy as Chopper from 2007, but more respectful :) . He will get his first ride on Monday and I have saddled him the last two days. He is leading well and ties up already. Today I also bitted him up both directions.

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