Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cow Pony

"Oh, I've got a pony, the fastest thing around.." He's not quite like the old western folk song but getting closer :) I need to get some pictures to update his "riding" status. The funny thing is, we're both doing "two a days". Him in his riding sessions, and me in my exercise sessions. This makeover is good for me too, since I need my body to fit his body - and he is pretty petite.

Today we got up early and worked fence cattle. After Zane wore them out with his futurity horses, I got to "box" them, track them, and get a few slow turns on the fence. My horse has a good aptitude for it. It's good for his riding exercises too as it gives the loping, turns and stops a purpose.

So much to do, so little time! The cow class is just one phase, but one we can really excel at.

This evening we had a short riding session. Worked on loping circles, transitions, and canter departures. He is really enjoying his pasture turn-out. Can you imagine, he hasn't had green grass to graze in years!! And he is sweet about letting me catch him

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