Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Small Set-Back

It is finally warm in Montana! Napoleon is doing well. He is spending most of the day in the pasture. Zayle (my daughter) can easily catch and handle him now. Yesterday, one of the girls in the barn saddled him for me. All great stepping stones for a mustang in training. I had a small set-back on Friday morning. It didn't involve Napoleon, just me. We got up early to move cattle and I was brushing one of the stallions, as I walked around behind him to brush his other side, he squealed at another horse and kicked. He kicked me right in the thigh and sent me flying. First time in my entire life of working with horses that I have been kicked. I still rode Napoleon Friday evening and Saturday morning, but boy, is my leg sore! Made it harder to ride effectively and made it really hard to mount and dismount. Napoleon was patient with me though as I flailed around trying to get in the saddle without using my thigh muscle. Good thing he is short. I finally stepped up on a bucket and slid my toe in the stirrup that way. He is feeling really, really good. Maybe a little too good! He was giving me playful bucks when we started out yesterday. This week we will concentrate on all our class events for the competition. I will work each class everyday. (Rail class, pattern class, trail class, cow class.) I also need to format my finals routine and music this week. If we are fortunate enough to make the finals, I will be prepared!! The GREAT news is that a local girl is coming to work for us this week and that will take the pressure off of me so I can concentrate on Napoleon.

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