Sunday, August 1, 2010

What A Funny Guy!

Napoleon is quite a funny guy! Tonight I turned him out of his stall for some exercise time and he didn't even move 2 feet away from the gate. He just hung his head over the gate and looked at me quietly. Now, the Reymanator got turned out in a different pen and he was really tearing it up! You would think a wild horse would want to get out and move but he doesn't fit all the stereotypes of a gentled mustang. For one thing he isn't very careful about where he puts his feet. He trips over things and it has been challenging to teach him to walk over ground poles and walkovers. I jump him and sometimes he jumps great and sometimes he just plows through things. Now, when we get out in open country, he is very forward and nimble, but he is lazier in the arena. In fact, as I have said previously in the blog, Napoleon does not get out of a walk, ever, in the pasture. Isn't that interesting?

My brother came over yesterday and brought his mustang over to work our trail course and ride in the arenas. He has a cute little guy too. He has been more challenging to put weight on as he just barely started eating grain last week and he is not quite as thrivey as Napoleon. The horse has a lot of potential though. He is a natural lead changer and a good mover and also easy to teach. He is greener than Napoleon but I hope they do well too! My brother's name is Shawn Burtenshaw and he is from Recluse, Wyoming.

I am thinking that the next week will fly by! I really need to make a detailed plan to get ready to go next week. It will be busy around here. I am entered in the Rancher's Class at a cowhorse show in Deer Lodge, Montana this Saturday. I am excited for that!

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