Thursday, July 29, 2010

Count Down

Only a few days left until we leave for Texas. Napoleon is continuing to progress and starting to smooth everything out. The word of the week? TRANSITIONS, TRANSITIONS, TRANSITIONS. Never can do enough as this is where a "green" horses lack of experience crops up. Just being patient now as he gets more and more confident in himself and what I am asking. Setting a lot of patterns and trail patterns to test our readiness. Still a little unsettled on a finals routine.
Tonight I took Napoleon to the Junior Rodeo. Lots of activity and unexpected happenings there for a horse to experience. He was really, really good. Not nervous at all. Let everyone come up and pet him with ease. Lots of little kids and swinging ropes whisking by and he didn't care at all. I walked him around the grounds and he guided well one-handed and no-handed while I talked on the phone and drank a bottle of water. Afterwards, we did a test pattern in the outdoor arena without warming up in it and he absolutely did every maneuver in a plus fashion. (I know, I sound like a proud mother..but I am!)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your mustang. I remember watching you and Zane in the 07 (I think) MM. You both did an awesome job -- in the top 10 as I recall. Do you participate in the TIP? You should.


