Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We're here!

Just a short update to say we arrived in Texas tonight. It is hot as we expected it to be. I really hope Napoleon is feeling well and that he gets some rest tonight. We check in tomorrow at the Will Rogers so we will be out early to pick him up from his horse hotel and check him in there and let him settle. Of course he has eaten well the whole trip and drank okay. I want him to drink more but he is urinating fine and looks fine. Not gant or anything. I just don't want him to be sore anywhere as he really leans on the trailer divider as we go down the road.
We had a busy weekend. I showed him in the rancher class at a local cowhorse show and he did really good. He was like a seasoned show horse! Went down the fence like an experienced pro!! He knew what to do with the cow and was easy to direct. A friend of ours, Anne Branger, took some fabulous pictures of him and I will show some here and am printing off the rest for his stall at the Coliseum.
My brother and his horse and family are here with Napoleon and I and my daughter Zayle too. We transported Dave Weeding's horse too. It is always such a long trip! About 12 hours of travel each day with traffic and water, fuel, and potty stops!

Hope to report a happy healthy horse tomorrow!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So Happy!

I am so proud of Napoleon today. He is doing so well. Such a joy to ride. No stress about his performance! Now, getting ready to pack and DRIVE to Texas is the stressful part. The heat there is a bit intimidating. I am hoping Napoleon takes as good of care of himself there as he does here. He doesn't let a blade of grass, a bucket of water, a piece of hay or an ounce of grain escape his lips. We worked cattle today and he was perfect. So happy with him. He is getting so handy and easy to ride one handed. Love that! I took him over a long chain that connected some gates and it was a scary object and he just went carefully over it. Picked up those feet! I have to thank my family (kids & husband) for giving me all the extra help an support these last few weeks. Feeling confident and prepared now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

What A Funny Guy!

Napoleon is quite a funny guy! Tonight I turned him out of his stall for some exercise time and he didn't even move 2 feet away from the gate. He just hung his head over the gate and looked at me quietly. Now, the Reymanator got turned out in a different pen and he was really tearing it up! You would think a wild horse would want to get out and move but he doesn't fit all the stereotypes of a gentled mustang. For one thing he isn't very careful about where he puts his feet. He trips over things and it has been challenging to teach him to walk over ground poles and walkovers. I jump him and sometimes he jumps great and sometimes he just plows through things. Now, when we get out in open country, he is very forward and nimble, but he is lazier in the arena. In fact, as I have said previously in the blog, Napoleon does not get out of a walk, ever, in the pasture. Isn't that interesting?

My brother came over yesterday and brought his mustang over to work our trail course and ride in the arenas. He has a cute little guy too. He has been more challenging to put weight on as he just barely started eating grain last week and he is not quite as thrivey as Napoleon. The horse has a lot of potential though. He is a natural lead changer and a good mover and also easy to teach. He is greener than Napoleon but I hope they do well too! My brother's name is Shawn Burtenshaw and he is from Recluse, Wyoming.

I am thinking that the next week will fly by! I really need to make a detailed plan to get ready to go next week. It will be busy around here. I am entered in the Rancher's Class at a cowhorse show in Deer Lodge, Montana this Saturday. I am excited for that!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Count Down

Only a few days left until we leave for Texas. Napoleon is continuing to progress and starting to smooth everything out. The word of the week? TRANSITIONS, TRANSITIONS, TRANSITIONS. Never can do enough as this is where a "green" horses lack of experience crops up. Just being patient now as he gets more and more confident in himself and what I am asking. Setting a lot of patterns and trail patterns to test our readiness. Still a little unsettled on a finals routine.
Tonight I took Napoleon to the Junior Rodeo. Lots of activity and unexpected happenings there for a horse to experience. He was really, really good. Not nervous at all. Let everyone come up and pet him with ease. Lots of little kids and swinging ropes whisking by and he didn't care at all. I walked him around the grounds and he guided well one-handed and no-handed while I talked on the phone and drank a bottle of water. Afterwards, we did a test pattern in the outdoor arena without warming up in it and he absolutely did every maneuver in a plus fashion. (I know, I sound like a proud mother..but I am!)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


I hope you can see by the photos how cute Napoleon is. I am loving him! So are the kids. They are begging me to ride him everyday. I would let them too but my arm is still so sore I don't think it's quite safe to leg them up yet for that first ride. Zane can't help either as he can't get out of a walk yet. So, they might have to wait a little longer. I must say that I am surprised that I never get a comment on the blog, positive or negative. We got lots of comments on our first blog but I guess now everyone talks on facebook :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

He Doesn't Even Blink

Napoleon has had a good week. Zane thinks the horse is quite funny. Napoleon is very low energy and very quiet. He is in to strict energy conservation. When he is in the field, he never runs or trots, he slowly walks from place to place. He has a pasture mate and he stays completely out of their way and doesn't socialize. When he is tied up in the barn he cocks a foot and closes his eyes, and doesn't hardly move a muscle. He is very far! Zane said the other day, "Man,I'm not sure that horse even blinks!" He is absolutely no trouble.You should see him slowly creep into the wash stall. He knows he has to go and many of the horses are not fond of the design, but he resolutely gets in and lets me tie him and stands stock still for his bath and rinse. So cute! Last weekend we accompanied Zane to Bozeman for a clinic. Napoleon turned back in the cutting pen and got to work a few cows down the fence in the indoor arena. He was stellar and I was very pleased with his attitude and work. They had kind of a junk pile behind the cattle pen and I steered him through the irrigation pipe and walked through a tire. He just went wherever I pointed him. It was a very good workout for Napoleon. He even let Zane load him in the trailer. (And he's on crutches, so not an easy sight for a horse.) Monday was not such a great workout though. Napoleon may have been tired and sore or maybe just grumpy. The first time since the first few weeks of riding where he was resistant. I had to keep working to end on a good note, but was finally able to after he completed a relaxed stop. The next few days I backed off on what I had been asking him to do and on Wednesday he was really good again. I will try to post a video that Zayle took. It's not the best cow turns as he usually preforms better but you know how it is when the cameras come out. Sometimes the little extra pressure gets to the performer! We just need to continue to improve a little each day and work on Napoleon's natural assets so we are ready for Texas.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Asking for Comments...

Okay, for all of you mustang fans out there: What would you like to see in a freestyle routine? and/or What was your favorite freestyle "element(s)" you have witnessed in the Mustang Makeover? In our 2007 finals Zane and I opted for no props or guns or anything. Zane did rope a steer but the judges felt he should have stopped it instead of break-away roping. (Algore was barely 14 hands but that was the judges' feedback). In the last makeover in Colorado, the winner did a well executed freestyle pattern with no props and did a bridleless routine to follow. (I tried that with Chopper in practice in 2007, he was not a bridleless guy!) So, as Zane helps me with planning and showmanship for this show what is your opinion? (Don't worry, I am not packing a "bouncy" ball or anything ;)

Today Napoleon and I practiced our events again. Zane had given us a thorough evaluation yesterday and told me what we needed to concentrate on in our gymnastic and reining work for the next few weeks. So, with a clear lesson plan in place, we worked on all of those elements today. (Rest assured, Zane has ridden Napoleon all of 20 minutes in the entire time he has been with me and has only schooled with us a few times.) Zane will be doing a cowhorse clinic this weekend and Napoleon gets to tag along so it will be a great test for us.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Still Here :)

Yes, we're still here. Haven't written in a while. Napoleon is doing well as usual. He looks beautiful. He has such a short, fine haircoat and he is chubby in a cute way. He is working all his events well and is very smart on a cow. He is good to me, which I appreciate. Especially since Zane and I have had a few weeks of mishaps. Just over a week ago, Zane had his foot and ankle smashed. Not broken, but really bruised, sore and swollen. He can't walk on it yet, but is riding anyway. A horse fell with him going down the fence. I'm supposed to be picking up the slack and then on Monday, his 3 year old NCHA Futurity horse bucked me off on the road. I couldn't hardly move for 2 days and I'm pretty sure my collar bone is cracked because my right arm hurts constantly and I can't raise my arm above my head. Nothing like a horse wreck to make you feel your age. I am so bruised up and tender on my right side. I had to give Napoleon the day off on Monday due to my aches and pains. I got on and rode him the rest of the week though. Mostly one handed since I can't pull with my right arm hardly at all. He let me get on with a bucket and he stands stock still which is great too. We just continued to work the preliminary events and have started on our tentative finals routine. I might have to change it a little due to my physical limitations at the moment. Just starting to plan all my travel arrangements too. Here's hoping for a better week ahead!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Definition of a "Broke" Horse

The last few days have been "good rides" for my horse and I. We have had some good moves on the cattle, a few short slides, some honest canter departures, good trail manuevers and jumps. The best thing of all is Napoleon's demeanor is happy, happy, happy! Zane thinks he is getting fat and that is amazing because he gets a lot of riding each day. He is a good eater with a good appetite and he conserves his energy in the field. He never bucks and plays, just walks leisurely enjoying his grass, his water, and his hay and grain. I am thrilled that he is filling out and really looking like a 6 year old..(Morgan /QH cross?)

Today I enjoyed riding him mostly one-handed. We had lots of little jobs like turning back and opening awkward gates. We coached the kids while Zayle learned how to jump and also while she practiced her barrels and poles. Napoleon did lots of demonstration of proper technique for Zayle and Dawson's horses. He is riding like a "broke" horse.

That got me thinking about my definition of a "broke" horse. I was blessed with some good ones as a kid. Back then, horses got a lot of riding on the ranch and were really used. Even my show and rodeo horses got several hours of riding almost every day of the week. As kids, we just rode and rode and rode. (Without much parental supervison, I might add ;) I took it for granted that neck reining and lead changes were really that easy! My kids are fortunate enough to ride a few hours a day. It makes a huge difference in their abilities and a huge difference in how their horses work for them.

Now, what is a "broke" horse? First of all, it is a horse that can complete a daily job with ease-no fights, no drama, no anxiety-just work honestly. Second, it is a horse that will pull through for you in a tight spot. Such as when you have to cross deep water or get pressured in an alley full of cattle. Lastly,it is a horse that will continue to learn and refine their movements making them a joy to "drive" with one soft hand, like a Mercedes, not a Ford Pinto with a 4 speed! Now, of course the question is: How do we progress to the "broke" horse?

The first step to a broke horse is to ride it and treat it as such. When it makes a mistake, just re-direct and show the horse the right way. PATIENT REPETITION. Of course, there are exercises that build up to riding the horse one handed. One of the most important in our program is the side-pass. (LOTS and LOTS of side-passing). Then, there is vertical flexion and also the ability of the horse to follow the direct rein when he is pulled through a turn. It is important that his feet move with his nose! (We skip just the holding the nose in part that exercise isn't practical for a working horse. )When the horse is moving easily off your feet and following the rein without trouble and giving at the poll, I start riding them one-handed with crossed reins and a short-shank snaffle. I tip their nose, follow with the in-direct rein and press last with my calf to finish the turn. (Don't spur through the turn, it makes for an unhappy horse.) Then, it's lots of repetition. A horse doesn't learn to ride one-handed, unless you ride them that way! (I know it seems obvious, but many people that have ridden with us have to have their off-hand tied to their side to force them to ride one-handed.)

So, as I work on "finishing" Napoleon, (yes, it is still a ways off we only have 100 days, you know!) I keep in mind patient repetition and I keep working towards the goals of a "Broke" horse.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Small Set-Back

It is finally warm in Montana! Napoleon is doing well. He is spending most of the day in the pasture. Zayle (my daughter) can easily catch and handle him now. Yesterday, one of the girls in the barn saddled him for me. All great stepping stones for a mustang in training. I had a small set-back on Friday morning. It didn't involve Napoleon, just me. We got up early to move cattle and I was brushing one of the stallions, as I walked around behind him to brush his other side, he squealed at another horse and kicked. He kicked me right in the thigh and sent me flying. First time in my entire life of working with horses that I have been kicked. I still rode Napoleon Friday evening and Saturday morning, but boy, is my leg sore! Made it harder to ride effectively and made it really hard to mount and dismount. Napoleon was patient with me though as I flailed around trying to get in the saddle without using my thigh muscle. Good thing he is short. I finally stepped up on a bucket and slid my toe in the stirrup that way. He is feeling really, really good. Maybe a little too good! He was giving me playful bucks when we started out yesterday. This week we will concentrate on all our class events for the competition. I will work each class everyday. (Rail class, pattern class, trail class, cow class.) I also need to format my finals routine and music this week. If we are fortunate enough to make the finals, I will be prepared!! The GREAT news is that a local girl is coming to work for us this week and that will take the pressure off of me so I can concentrate on Napoleon.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Purpose

On Monday and Tuesday, I rode Napoleon out across the range over the wide open hills. You could tell he just loved it. It was just great to get out and really travel. It was our first time out of the arena and fields. He is able to tolerate it now that he has shoes. Napoleon was very good and I found him trustworthy and quiet. It's fun to feel him just easily lunge up little hills and embankments with confidence. He also traveled out so nice and straight. No weeble-wobbles like most 45 day horses would have! We ride by ourselves as I don't want him to become dependent on a buddy. He really worked up a sweat easily on the first ride, a good, honest, sweat. After breezing him over the hills and just riding for fun, we did a little arena work and continued to progress in our circles, simple changes, and stops. I rode him in a little shank snaffle on Tuesday and am really reinforcing the neck rein.

Today, we spent three hours in the cutting pen turning back for Zane. I find working the cows really gives a horse purpose. Zane works out of a circle, so Napoleon and I keep the cows circled up and then when they are settled, take the outside and turn back for Zane's horse. It was a great time to reinforce all of our work so far. We even ponied a few horses from the barn. The first one Napoleon wasn't very happy about as it was a recently gelded stallion who kept nosing Napoleon's rump. The other two were a more mannerly gelding and mare who kept up beside him better. He was much happier with them. After Zane was done, we were able to take a cow down the fence and work on just coming through the turn on the fence and accelerating through the turn after the cow. Once we wore the cow down a little, we were very successful at this exercise. So, again, Napoleon had a great day and a great work-out. The muscles on his shoulders are starting to ripple. I should have measured his rear gaksin, as I am sure it has grown with work too.

I also have to add that yesterday, Zayle was able to catch him in the pasture by herself! :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Just needed to leave a short note to say that Napoleon trotted up to me in the pasture this morning when I went to catch him. That is the first time he has came to me. He usually stays stock still and lets me come to him. It brought tears to my eyes. He did well at 4-H camp his last day. We did all the trail obstacles and he is one of those who will hesitate and really check the obstacle out, smelling it and testing it carefully with his feet-then just walking into or over it nicely. He doesn't really snort or blow sideways. Very happy to see his disposition stay steady as he is tested more. We are in for a busy couple of weeks as Zane is short on help and the kids and I will be helping in the barn full-time. I'll probably be crawling out of bed early each day to ride Napoleon first. He'll also be doing some turn-back duty as well.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Still Riding

Napoleon and I are doing well at horse 4-H Camp. His schedule is cushy compared with mine though!! I am tired. Don't know where kids get all their energy. On Wednesday morning he got his first set of shoes. Had to have those because of how tender his feet are. It was amazing how good he was for the farrier. He did not move a muscle. (No, not one!) He didn't try to jerk his feet away during the nailing either. He was a dream. I was so proud of him and the farrier was amazed at his good manners.

After our shoeing session I loaded Napoleon in the 6 horse slant for the first time. He has been in the 2 horse stock trailer twice but not in the slant load. It was more difficult for him because it has a back tack and he had to negotiate the narrow entry into the trailer. It took a little coaxing but he loaded within 5 minutes and then unloaded and reloaded three times without trouble.

When we got to camp he had to stay on the trailer for part of the day. (Don't worry, it's not hot here. In fact I am wearing a fleece, vest and coat as I write.) I wanted to leave him on until I had time to settle him in and intro him to everyone. 4-H is all about safety and I didn't want someone introducing themselves too abruptly and causing an issue. It was cute because when I did take him out to ride everyone assumed he was a "reiner". (They think we are reiners even though I try to explain that reined cowhorses and reiners aren't the same :) He has such a cute, refined head and long, reiner mane. He is shiny and showy looking too. People were shocked when I say, "No, he's a mustang." Then I get to explain all about the Extreme Mustang Makeover and Mustang Heritage Foundation and encourage them to go to their websites. They probably didn't believe me when I said it is was his 18th ride Wednesday.

Napoleon saddled up and rode well. Even negotiated the novice horse and rider traffic without any trouble. We worked again on lots of loping and yesterday he did some perfect canter departures. Proud of him! He also settled in and ate and drank well in his new environment. I dressed him in a cute burgundy sheet and he looked stellar!

Today I worked him at in-hand trail and he did well. I am not a big in-hand person. I really like to do the riding portion of training more. So, although my horses lead well and have good ground manners, the whole in-hand routine is not my thing. But, I worked him through the trail course and he did well. Very proud of him. A little hesitation at the bridge, but it is was narrow. I did two short sessions today of riding. We are still building body condition and stamina for Napoleon so I find two shorter sessions are better than one long one. He is not protecting his feet and is moving out better at the canter. His right lead is improving daily and today we started working on straight run downs. His transitions are getting stronger and more spot on too. I had Zayle snap a few pictures so I will add them when we get home tomorrow night. I have to get up early to ride in the morning as I am tied up in classes all day and will be judging the show at the end, but if my stamina holds out ;) I'll ride here again before we leave tomorrow afternoon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

a Mustang at 4-H Camp

Tomorrow, Napoleon will be attending horse 4-H camp for the week. I hope we have a good time! We will have the opportunity to practice many skills and he will meet lots of new folks. He rode well the last two days, a little broncy on Monday, but we won't hold it against him, it was Monday! He gets shoes tomorrow which I am looking forward to. Then we can really get out more and travel. His poor tender feet can't take any traveling now. I promise to take pictures the next few days and post if I can. We will be in Red Lodge, Montana.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Fancy Digs

Napoleon got to move into fancy accommodations tonight. Zane is off to Paso Robles for the NRCHA Derby. Napoleon gets to stay in Reymanator's stall while he is gone. Hopefully some of that winning charisma will rub off on him! :)He is looking very shiny all of a sudden. It makes every little blemish on his coat stand out. He has little scars here and there. Probably where he has been bitten and harassed. Still has a sore on his nose. It is smaller than a dime now. Anxious for it to be all healed up.

We took a few pictures tonight. My photographer, (Zayle, age 11) did a good job. They are a little dark because we are riding inside again due to the heavy rain. Not the best angles, but if you're curious, have a look!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What a fun ride!

Today I had such fun on my horse. We were gathering, sorting, and processing cattle today and Napoleon and I were the main gatherers. He was just excellent. The only thing that gave him a start was the chain rattling against the gate when we went to close it, but it was just a little shudder on his part, no big bolts or anything. You would have to ride him to believe it but the little guy is just so cowy. He really watches the cattle and moves with them. So fun! We also crossed some dry ditches and jumped up and down an embankment made with railroad ties. He felt like an old, broke horse, handled himself so well. It made the day enjoyable!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What are the differences between training a mustang vs. a breeding registery horse? Well, in the beginning - a lot. A mustang takes a certain level of experience. Although, many first-timers survive it, I am amazed at the novice level trainers who manage to get it done. Some of their success depends on the actual disposition of the mustang they adopt or are given. I know when we received our mustangs in 2007, a novice person could have easily trained Chopper, he was very curious and very bold and not really scared of a person. When I look back at the mustangs Zane trained for the BLM in 1999, there were a few that many trainers could have handled, and several in the bunch we were given that would darn sure eat your lunch! The mares in that lot were extremely difficult and although we broke them to ride and tie, they weren't easy and they just weren't pleasant in their demeanor either. I would not have wanted to own one of those mares. That was a factor in deciding which horses to bid on in this competition. I didn't even look at the mares, although I am sure there were some nice ones in there. (And by the way, I am a Mare person, but cautious of owning a mustang mare.)

The first few weeks of mustang training are time consuming and can be dangerous. Most mustangs aren't down right aggressive, but their instinct to flee is very strong so if cornered or threatened they will do almost anything to get away. Your timing and handling techniques have to be dead on. If they feel really threatened they may also strike. Zane used to always wear a protective vest when working with them. Although he was never struck, it was a good precaution. THey are unbelievalby fast when they do. We start out by just walking around them in a small pen. We use a small square corral and we move slow so the horse doesn't run. We try to move by them and around them and let them go by us, all the while trying to keep it slow. When they stop and face us, we give ground and encourage them to step forward. We have found working in a small square pen where a horse can actually stick his rear in the corner and face you works better for a mustang than a round pen. The round pen keeps them going around and around, and a mustang can do that all day long. With the amount of horses we have, we just don't have all day long. Although this style may go against all a hard core natural horseman has been taught, letting the mustang corner up makes him feel a little safer in the beginning. We work with them until moving around them in arcs gets less threatening to them. WE keep encouraging them to take a step forward and back any pressure off when they do. Sometimes the first day they will take a step to us and in some cases will reach out their nose and let you carefully touch it.

The next day we build on them coming to meet us. Some mustangs are bold and not afraid and will eventually come forward and greet you. We get a loop on them at this point and work them the same as if the rope wasn't there. We eventually keep working the arc until they will let us in close enough to tie a halter. Then, we use the halter to keep reinforcing the "meet and greet". At this point we use a stuffed glove on the end of a stick to start touching their neck and shoulder. They ususally won't allow you in close enough with your body to touch them yet with your actual hand, but by using the fake hand, we get them used to being touched. We alternate side to side rather quickly so they don't get one sided right off the bat. (THey really want to be one sided). (You can watch Monty Roberts videos on You Tube for more in depth info on the "hand"). We just keep working on getting in closer and closer. This takes some time although they can be surprisingly tolerant once they are unafraid of you handling their head.

Once we can rub them all over with the hand and that means up and down their legs, back, and buttocks, we work on touching them with our real hands. Usually this is enough for one day. The next day we come back and repeat all the above and start working on picking up their feet. Zane doesn't ride them until you can pick up all four feet. He uses the same method again, as Monty Roberts. (Or at least the method Monty once used :) He gets them to where he can loop a rope around their foot and they let him hold it with the rope. Once they allow him to use the rope (Usually a soft lead rope) he progresses to actually touching the foot and holding it with his hand. Once this is accomplished on all four feet, we move to the saddling portion. Again, working both sides of the horse equally, we sack them out with the pad, and saddle. (If a horse is especially difficult, we start with a surcingle, then an Engish Saddle. )Zane always uses a hook to "grab" the cinches as it is unnerving for the mustang to reach under him and then for him to feel the squeeze of the cinch, so for safety we use the hook and if he kicks or bolts we just steady the saddle and the cinch and keep working with them until they are connected.

We put the snaffle bit in and let them pack it around at this point too. We move to the round pen for the saddling and riding portions. Once the horse is saddled and bridled, we move him around until he is comfortable packing everything and spend some time roping the saddle and horse and letting him pack the rope around and let him feel it around his feet and legs, turning him with it as we go. Then, we bit the horse up on each side usually with a snap rein that snaps from the saddle to the bit. If a mustang is pretty good about his feet and the ropes and things, we will drive them, but if they are pretty ouchy about all that, we just do the bitting up portion. When the mustang accepts all the above, they are ready for their first ride. We accomplish this with a pony horse for safety and "buddy" comfort for the mustang. This part can be a little exciting at times, and sometimes no big deal at all to the horse.

All the above can happen in a few hours, a few days, or in some mustang's case, up to a week. We just try to keep everthing calm and slow, it faster to be slow:)

Once the riding begins, the mustang really starts to learn to trust his rider and the trust that you build is also what makes him different from a domestic horse. It is amazing how fast the trust will take a horse in his training. Once a mustang decides that no matter how silly the thing you want him to do is- he is willing do it and he starts to trust you completely, the sky can be the limit in what you teach him. The best thing is, that you don't have to go over and over the same lessons like you do on a young domestic, if a mustang learns to sidepass left, the next day he can sidepass left still :) .

Once the mustang is progressing well under saddle the differences in training are very few. We have found you have to be cautious with riding into new open areas and make sure your mustang is stopping and turning well before you do. You don't want any "run off" episodes because they take time getting over. Once a mustang runs off, he will attempt to do so at any open opportunity and it takes a lot of training to overcome. The running off can be much more of a problem than any "bronc" rides. Most mustangs just don't buck, but they do choose to run when faced with something scary.

Another major difference is acceptance of other people. We expose are mustangs right away to as many people as possible and try to work them equally between us in the beginning. THey can become extremely bound to one person. Like a one man dog. When this happens they are fine and broke with you, but another person can't do anything with them. Some people might really like this but if you train for the public, be aware of it.

I have found a few differences in working with an older mustang vs. a 3 year old last time. The 6 year old was harder to gentle in the beginning. It took a lot longer than I though it should to get him halter broke and saddled and the first ride was not very pleasant. He really slammed me around. However, once we were through the first few weeks, the maturity of his mind has helped me teach him things faster and he is very trustworthy and gentle to be around now.

Let me know what your experiences and words of wisdom are in mustang training!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cow Pony

"Oh, I've got a pony, the fastest thing around.." He's not quite like the old western folk song but getting closer :) I need to get some pictures to update his "riding" status. The funny thing is, we're both doing "two a days". Him in his riding sessions, and me in my exercise sessions. This makeover is good for me too, since I need my body to fit his body - and he is pretty petite.

Today we got up early and worked fence cattle. After Zane wore them out with his futurity horses, I got to "box" them, track them, and get a few slow turns on the fence. My horse has a good aptitude for it. It's good for his riding exercises too as it gives the loping, turns and stops a purpose.

So much to do, so little time! The cow class is just one phase, but one we can really excel at.

This evening we had a short riding session. Worked on loping circles, transitions, and canter departures. He is really enjoying his pasture turn-out. Can you imagine, he hasn't had green grass to graze in years!! And he is sweet about letting me catch him

Monday, June 7, 2010

End of Week 4

Saturday marked the end of week 4 in Napoleon's training. I really felt like we made quite a break through in his canter work on Saturday. He seemed to really struggle in both his movement and control at the canter, but finally on Saturday- great improvements in both. I was really quite concerned with his athleticism but finally his canter gait smoothed out both directions.

He has turned up his nose at his grain for the past 3 days. Not sure what's up with that unless his mouth is sore from getting his teeth done. He didn't have any wolf teeth or broken teeth but did have razor sharp points, especially on the right side. Got those smoothed out. I am going to try him on some rice bran pellets today and see how he likes those. Even our finicky eaters in the barn seem to like them and they are very high in fat.

Napoleon got to be turned out in the pasture for the last two nights. (He will let me catch him there easily which is why he gets to progress to pasture turnout)

Today we will get to turn back in the cutting pen and follow cattle for several hours. He is very cowy and I think that will be his main focus and his talent.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Brief Note

It's late, and I'm tired but just a brief note to say Napoleon got his feet trimmed and rasped today. The farrier, Dave Brown, was very patient with him. Took lots of time to meet him and get checked out by the mustang. He does have evidence of a recent abscess which may be one reason he is so foot sore on the gravel. Will need shoes as soon as he's ready to tolerate it. Was great with the farrier tools, even the hoof stand. I will spend more time holding his front feet between my knees like the farrier does to prepare him for his shoeing. So proud of Napoleon.

He takes a road trip tomorrow to get his teeth looked at. Hope there's no surprises lurking in there! Lots of loping done today. Progress there.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Outside Ride

Today it was dry enough to ride in the big outdoor arena. (Won't be tomorrow, though, it's pouring rain right now!) I rode Napoleon for quite awhile. He is getting good at his trot,keeping a better cadence on the rail. He was great to mount and dismount. He was calm with the other horses and cows moving around as well. There were guests here today roaring around on their 3 wheelers and motorcyles and he was good about that too. We worked on a lot of sidepassing again, as well as turns on the haunches.Worked on some leg yielding. We had some struggles with the lope. He really wanted to completely run off - rubber necked big time - and wanted to run down into the gate. Zane helped us with that and we were able to progress with control at the lope by the end of the session. Lots of loping will be the plan again for tomorrow. On Thursday, he has his first official trailer ride and we have an appointment with the equine dentist. The farrier will be working in the morning and I have plans for him to maybe hold and rasp his feet. (baby steps :)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Time in the Saddle

Napoleon and I had a great day today. He was very easy to catch although he did pull the "domestic" horse trick of not wanting to lead away from his friend, (also not wanting to lead past the green grass :)). He was a gentleman to saddle and ride today. We worked on straightness in his body. Learned how to side-pass to the right and then worked both left and right sidepassing a lot. He was smart about it. Most of the time, young colts get frustrated with sidepassing when they learn both directions. They will fight the new direction, but I have to remember, Napoleon is not a young colt. His body and mind are more mature and mustangs don't give you quite as much "bull" as their domestic counterparts. (In quite the same areas, anyway).

We went to the big indoor next and we were able to ride another hour there. He is getting easier to direct and handle from the saddle. He was more comfortable with other horses in the arena moving around him - getting more confident. We loped both directions in the big arena and he seems to be naturally leaded. He is also a natural stopper. I think he'll slide soon.

Today was also the day that Napoleon got to join the "general population". Now that he is easy to catch in an open area, he gets to come up closer to the barns and bunk out with the 2 year old geldings. I'll enjoy not having to walk so far to catch him and put him up.

Tomorrow, or at least sometime this week, we will work on swinging a rope and hopefully progress to the outdoor arenas and then by the end of the week to the great outdoors. Then, maybe I can add some pictures. (By the way, he is looking fuller and shinier. His rear and back have filled out some already. Of course I am impatient to have him in top condition :0)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

End of week 3

Today marks the end of week 3 for Napoleon. He did well yesterday. I had a few people in the barn walk up and pet his shoulder and neck area. He tolerated it better as the day went on. I also cleaned his feet out so he is letting me hold them up easily. I trimmed his front pasterns with a pair of scissors. His rear and stomach are getting shinier. I can brush on them easily and he lets me rest my hand on his hip and walk behind him without swinging side to side. Yesterday I was also able to easily reach under him and grab the cinches without the use of a hook. Zane also rode him for the first time. (Which I really appreciate). Napoleon was nervous at first, he zigzagged around but then settled down. Zane tracked a cow on him, and I must say he is very "cowy". A great sign for us, since that what we do around here :)

I will ride him some more today. I can't wait until the arenas dry up outside so we can start working there as well. I need to get him going in the big outdoor before I can take off across the countryside. There is great hill riding out here and I want to do slow hills to build up his backside. I am hoping he is ready for shoes in another week. The farrier actually comes almost every day as he only shoes 2 horses a day. So, I am going to introduce them on Monday and have the farrier start picking his feet and let Napoleon get comfortable with him.

I had Zane check his mouth for wolf teeth. (I can never feel them). He doesn't have anything on the left, but does have something odd on the right. Zane's not sure if it is a wolf tooth or a fractured tooth, so we'll have to have that looked at sometime late next week. (Our truck will be in the shop, so can't haul him to the dentist yet. )

Tomorrow is a sabbath day off for all. :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Yeah, today Napoleon ate his Omolene. Scarfed it up in fact! Now, I am sneaking in a coat conditioner. He only has about 100 days to get fat and shiney! Of course now the bugs are hatching out and will play havoc with my grooming plans for awhile. The other thing messing up his pretty face is some halter rubs and a small laceration on his nose. (Somehow, he went "bump" in the night at the beginning of his stay. I swear, all horses need a padded stall.) These are also on the mend. His halter doesn't need to be left on all the time anymore so his nose has time to re-grow hair. He let me halter and catch him easily in his pen today.

Today was a building block on yesterday. I tied him in the barn alley today and saddled him like a big boy. He did great. Also let me groom him and brush his tail out like it was all old news. He wasn't too worried about all the barn activity. My little boy walked by him without any trouble. I picked up all his feet easily. Will continue to work this area a lot, and have Zane and the "hired" man do the same. He will need shoes in another few weeks and will need to tolerate the farrier. His feet are tender when I lead him over the gravel and he will need sliders. (You have to remember, he's been in a holding facility for 2.5 years so his feet are no longer hardened in fact they are chipping just from leading across the gravel.)

I rode him in the little indoor arena at first. Just concentrated on riding straight lines. "Colts" are wiggly at first. Then I worked on side-passing to the left, just a few steps at a time. After a short 20 minute ride, I took him over to the big indoor arena. Of course, this was a much busier area as well as much bigger. He was pretty nervous with the reining manuevers going on around him. He let me mount easy and did his best to keep all 3 other horses in his line of site. I eased him around. He did blow and buck once, 2 quick jumps - if there had been three he would have lost me! After another 20 minutes of walking and trotting, we called it a day.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I haven't figured out how to publicize this blog very well yet, so this writing is just for my own records! I have finally named my mustang today: "Napoleon".

Yesterday was our first ride. (I was gone all last week, so he missed 7 days!) I was hoping Zane would be the first one on. He is so much more graceful from ground to saddle, and the horse barely notices that he arrived, but since I have done most of the groundwork (Zane does have 21 horses to ride a day...and groundwork with the mustang has been averaging 3 hours.) Napoleon wasn't ready for Zane to mount, but he would let me stand at his side. Boy, was I nervous! I hadn't prepared myself mentally for the challenge, all along assuming that Zane would be the rider. I just don't do the first few rides. (Not since I was 18, anyway. ) Zane really had to coach me through it. He had the pony horse and kept reassuring me that the horse was ready and would let me on. I was practically hyperventilating, and glad no one but Zane knew. Of course, he has been ribbing me about it today ;)

Napoleon let me in the saddle and Zane held the line and ponied us around the arena. The biggest complication was that he kept banging into the pony horse and trying to almost "hide" against her. I had bitted him up a few times though, and he let me guide him so we didn't get as mashed against her as we could have. Both Zane's right knee, and my left knee are bruised today though!

(The first ride is usually much easier in the round pen, but since the mustang arrived, we have been drowned in rain! It has made his work more challenging but perhaps has been a blessing as well. I walk him up from his pen to the indoor arena and he lets me walk him through the barn to the saddling area. Riding in the indoor arena allows the mustang to move freely and seems to help the turning and impulsion learning exercises. Zane doesn't like to work in any makeshift panels, so it was just Napoleon and I and one big arena :)

Today was his second riding session. Napoleon was especially easy to catch today and he is learning to graze while on the leadline. (They really have to learn to relax in your presence to graze, so he is starting to let down. )I led him to the barn and saddled him easy. I am amazed that he lets me get that saddle on him without any tension or resistance. I am always a little clumsy getting everything settled in, so it says something about his disposition that he lets me be imperfect with it all. It still startles him a little when I carefully bring the front cinch up against his girth, but he is fine when it is tightened. He was good about the back cinch today. Monday-not so much!

He was a champ today about picking up his feet! Even being better about his hinds than his fronts! That is a good sign that he'll let me mount and dismount without much trouble today! Zane uses a different pony horse to get us started. Bobby Starlight did the honors and he doesn't let Napoleon push his shoulder into him. (I think my mustang was too familiar with the other mare and wanted to hide against her yesterday. )

One lap and Zane unhooks us. My mustang just trots around easily. He didn't bolt one time and I rode him in 4 different short sessions this afternoon. In each session I was able to mount and dismount without any outside assistance. I can tell he his going to have a very light mouth and he turns easily each direction and can easily do a 360 turn. Hallelujah! I am so happy with my choice of horses! I was also elated that he wants to back up easily. We have found in the past, that, at first, learning to back up can be a challenge for some mustangs-but Napoleon wants to. He also wants to stop which is something I noticed from the beginning groundwork, even on his sale video.

Today Napoleon also took the bridle without any trouble and he seems to have a quiet mouth. My last EMM horse "Chopper" had the busiest mouth imaginable, so I am happy with Naploeon's quietness.

Typical of the trusting bond a new mustang makes with the rider, today I stood in the arena with Napoleon as Zane worked cattle, the Reymanator and Zane took a cow down the fence right behind us and my horse just stood quietly on his lead. He's giving me the nod, that "if it's okay with you, it's okay with me." He also let the tractor go right by as well as the 4-wheeler. He let some other horses be led by unfamiliar people behind him too. Also, when we were done with our ride, I led him to the concrete wash rack and gave him his first warm bath.

I don't want to make it all sound easy or too "rosy" . He is a mustang still, and you always have to be cautious. They are lighting fast. I always make sure I have a good hold of him on a long lead, as I don't want him to bolt and get away if he is frightened. Especially since we are not in an enclosure. I want to help insure that each training session ends with him and me both calm and moving forward, not digressing. It takes careful planning each day. It also helps to have a husband who has trained several mustangs - some easy, some extremely challenging- to coach me and give me lesson plans each day. "Now do this, don't progress to this until you can accomplish "A", etc, etc. " I must say it is extremely gratifying to see excellent progress. I can't wait until tomorrow!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover 2010

For those who watched us in 2007 with Algore & Chopper, "I" (Holly) am back for the 2010 Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover. Zane is busy with his performance horses and busy fall show schedule and will not be competing this time around. This year is quite a different format than 2007. The horses are all 6 year olds and include mares & geldings from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah & Nevada herds. All the approved participants were able to bid on a horse of their choice. We picked our horses up May 8th from various holding facilities across the country. I have had my horse now a week! I haven't named him yet. He is doing well although was skinnier than I expected when I picked him up. Hopefully, he will flourish on all you can eat high protein hay. Of course, he is not eating grain yet, but I am keeping it in front of him and feeding it to his pen mate, hoping he gets the idea. He is progessing well, not as easy as Chopper from 2007, but more respectful :) . He will get his first ride on Monday and I have saddled him the last two days. He is leading well and ties up already. Today I also bitted him up both directions.
